Time: August 14, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Thunder Bay
Street: 314 Bay Street
City/Town: Suomalaisen työn temppeli / The Finnish Labour Temple
Event Type: dokumentin, esitys, /, documentary, screening
Organized By: Kanadan Sanomat
Latest Activity: Aug 8, 2016
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FI: Palkittu dokumentti Keepers of the Loom kertoo kanadanvirolaisten naisten kulttuurinsa säilyttämisen eteen tehdystä kovasta työstä. Tule katsomaan vaikuttava dokumentti ilmaiseksi Suomalaisen työn temppelille Thunder Bayhin, 14. elokuuta. Esitys alkaa klo 18:00.
ENG: The award winning documentary Keepers of the Loom tells the story of the Estonian-Canadian women who fled their homeland and came to Canada as refugees while struggling with keeping their culture alive. Come see the documentary for free at the Finnish Labour Temple in Thunder Bay on the 14th of August. The screening begins at 6 pm.
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