Time: November 2, 2011 from 11:30am to 5pm
Location: Ontario Investment and Trade Centre
Street: 250 Yonge Street, 35th Floor
City/Town: Toronto
Phone: 647-990-2220
Event Type: nordic-canadian, business, relations
Organized By: The Finnish, Danish and Swedish Chambers of Commerce
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2011
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The Finnish, Danish and Swedish Chambers of Commerce are pleased to invite you to a collaborative event this Wednesday, Nov. 2nd - a business seminar designed to promote stronger Nordic-Canadian business relations.
The event is called "Wallstreet" and features an impressive list of speakers, each with a unique perspective on topics such as trade, politics, economics, tax, and business development between Canada and the Nordic region.
Participants will include:
Danish Ambassador
Ontario Minister
Nordic Consuls and Trade Commissioners
Chambers of Commerce
Special invitees & the business community
Date: Wednesday, November 2nd
Time: 11:30am – 5:00pm
Place: , 250 Yonge Street, 35th Floor, Toronto
Price: $45.00 includes lunch, refreshments
Please reserve your place by Monday, Oct. 31st.
RSVP by reply email to:
or by phone: 647-990-2220
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