I am currently producing a book and illustrated film about a dramatic upbringing under a father who was not just a Finn but also experienced the devastation of Stalin's purges of the Ingrian Finns in Russia during the 1930's.
Inger: Father & Son takes place in primarily two eras - early 20th century Karelia & Ingermanland (Russia) and late 20th century (Canada), detailing much about the overall Finnish immigrant experience to the English speaking audience as well as valuable unknown aspects of Finnish history.
A 40 page preview of Inger: Father & Son plus a video with Finnish and Swedish captioning are available at my website:
If you send a financial contribution to this project you will automatically receive a copy of the full eBook edition and maybe some other goodies as well!
Other material in the works include a series of paintings featuring Finnish Ingermanland. Prints available for purchase by request.
Hi everyone! Is there possibly any occupational therapists here who work in Canada? Or do you know one? I'm an occupational therapy student looking for a work practise place from Canada.
Started by Eveliina in Miscellaneous. Last reply by Kanadan Sanomat Sep 13, 2023.
Genealogy going on with me. I'm looking for information about a person: Name: Jenny Ojalehto Luonua. b.10 Jun 1903. Pennsylvania. Parents: Herman Luonua and Maria Rapinoja Luonua.Continue
Started by Jouni Salminen in Miscellaneous May 29, 2021.
Tietoja enostani Erkki Linnala etsiskelen . Thunder Bayssa ilmeisesti viimeiset päivänsä viettänyt. Riverside Cementeryyn haudattu.Yleensä kiinnostaisi missä päin asustellut? Erkki oli syntynyt…Continue
Started by Jouni Palonen in Miscellaneous. Last reply by Jouni Palonen Dec 12, 2019.
Mistä oikein löydän ruisjauhoja Quebec Citystä? Olen käynyt jo ties kuinka monessa putiikissa ja marketissa enkä ole nähnyt niitä myytävän. Tietysti ruisleipäkin kelpaisi ensisijaisesti, mutta sen…Continue
Tags: rye, quebec, ruisleipä, ruis
Started by Vilukko in Food & Entertainment. Last reply by Kanadan Sanomat Jan 23, 2019.
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