
I will write my thesis about Finns living in North-America, the languages they use and their attitudes towards languages I made two questionnaires. I would need as many answers as possible. So if you have some time and do not mind to fill in a questionnaire, please help me :)

Here is the English version for those, who prefer using English:

And here is the Finnish version:

Personal informations will not be used in the thesis.

Thank You for your help! Kiitos avustasi!

Mariann Bernhardt

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All the questions are about the US. If you can you might want to chance the questions from being about USA to North America. You would get more accurate results. Can I still do the survey even though I live in Canada?

Yes, I am really sorry, I made actually a separate questionnaire for Canadians to let me show who are from Canada and who are from the US. It would be the easiest way to compare how they answer.

So here are again the corrected versions for those who live in Canada:
In Finnish:

And in English:
No worries. I was trying to help you.:) I filled out the survey and I am not sure if my answers went through. After hitting submit, it went to the first page. I hope it worked. Anyways, good luck with your thesis!
Kyllä mä sain sen! Kiitos oikein paljon avustasi :)
Eipä kestä.:)




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