Hello people living in Montreal!

I'm moving to Montreal with my family on August. I would like to have some opinions on where to live? I will be working in downtown. from work they have suggested to live in the westmount or ndg area? Opnions on these? I would like to live so that I woundn't have to use the car too much. As I do have 4 kids, I would like the area to be kids friendly too.

My second consern is the school question. there are french abd english public schools. As I am only there for temporary 1 to 2 years I can get my kids to the english school too but my consern is that is it better for the kids to learn frnch than english? As my kids now speek only swedish ans finnish.

And the third question is about the daycare, any good sugestions on where to start looking for a place or is a nanny a better choise?

And some general advise are also very welcome if somethibg comes to mind! Thanks!

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