Jules Päiviö - architect, Canadian veteran of the Spanish Civil War and a social catalyst on the Finnish Canadian scene died in early September. Two Vapaa Sana interns produced excellent features about him in 2006 and 2007, not all of them are on the internet but I found links to two pieces by Juha Mäkinen and Virpi Oinonen. Jules was also perhaps the last eyewitness around recollecting the "big bang" of the Finnish Canadian scene - with FOC and the rest going separate ways, and Vapaa Sana being established as a competitor to Vapaus.

The feature by Virpi was titled "Man of Conviction". On hearing about his passing Virpi recollected the impact meeting with Jules had on her.

In a piece in Finnish Juha Mäkinen covers the comments by Jules about the crisis of the Finnish Canadians in the early 30s.

The photo seen here was taken outside Wanup Hall during the Midsummer event in 2008. While still living in the Finlandia Village Jules was seen frequently in Wanup events and also sang in the Seurakerhon kuoro.

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