Leap year's February 29th is a day of folklore, old traditions and galactic mysteries

Vapaa Sana

In the end of this month we observe a leap day, since February is 29 days long. As we know, this happens only in every fourth year, but it's not that simple.
Besides this all the years divided by one hundred (like 1800, 1900, 2100) are not leap years, but there are exceptions. If the years are divisible by 400 (like 1600, 2000, 2400) they are leap years.
Naturally the leap years coincide with the galactic movements. An above mentioned 400 year rule was't known for centuries until at the time of Pope Gregorius XIII they realized that spring equinox would not match with March 21st.
As a result in year 1582 they skipped ten days and transferred straight from October 4th straight to October 15th to amend the discrepancy. Now, if in a quiz show they ask what happened between those dates it's a tricky question.

Some ancient cultures knew the movements of sun amazingly accurate way. Old Egyptians even imprinted the exact length of a solar year in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid some 4,500 years ago.
Also the Mayas knew this lapse at the precision of many decimals. Their great 5,125 year cycle will end in December 21st this year.
An utterly unsolved question stands who gave this information to the tribes on the opposite sides of the globe? Explanations have varied from an exhaustive monitoring to the help from the lost Atlantis or other planets.
Consequently, leap year has been a festivity ever since the ancient days too. There exist lots of people who were born on February 29th. Actually they have a birthday only every four years. Some celebrate it in the last day, the others the first day of March.

The leap day has traditionally been the only day when also a woman can propose to a man. An old Finnish rule dictates that if he refuses he must buy a skirt fabric to a lady.
Albeit there's a risk to become a spouse, women can also use men cunningly to their benefit. These days, though, woman can take the initiative and propose if a man is too "unwise" not to do it.
In Danish folklore man who refuses woman's proposal has to buy twelve pairs of gloves to her. In Greece for its part it's bad luck to marry in a leap year.
This year there will be tied a quarter less knots while the previous December was and next January will be busy for the priests.

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