The Future of the Finnish Community in Canada – Have Your Say!

The Toronto Finnish Advancement Association (TFAA) is conducting this survey to gather insights on the future of the Finnish community in Canada.

TFAA is a collaborative organization that brings together 15 Finnish-related organizations across in the GTA, working to support, promote, and strengthen Finnish heritage, culture, and connections.

However, this survey is not limited to those living in the GTA; we welcome anyone with an interest in 'Finnishness' in Canada to participate. The aim of this survey is to gather insights and tools to enhance the presence of the Finnish community in Canada, both in the virtual world and locally.

Your responses will help shape future initiatives and determine how we can better serve the community. This survey takes approximately 5-7 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential.

Your participation in this survey is completely anonymous, and all responses will be treated confidentially. Even if you choose to provide your email address at the end of the survey, your individual answers will remain private and will not be shared.

At the end of the survey, you’ll have the option to stay updated on this initiative by providing your email address. The overall results of the survey will be published in Kanadan Sanomat, but no individual responses will be disclosed.

🇫🇮 Thank you for your time - your voice matters! 🇫🇮

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