Time: May 27, 2017 all day
Location: Ontario Finnish Resthome
Street: 721 North Street
City/Town: Sault Ste. Marie
Website or Map: http://ontariofinnishresthome…
Phone: 705-945-9987 ext.212
Event Type: ontario, finnish, resthome, foundation, fundraiser
Organized By: Ontario Finnish Resthome Foundation
Latest Activity: Feb 27, 2017
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Grab your mom & dad, your grandma & grandpa, all your friends and family and lets Stroll & Roll to raise money for OFRA!! This fun event with take place on Saturday May 27 2017 at the Ontario Finnish Resthome (721 North Street Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) followed by a Barbeque in the Kestitupa at 721 North St.
All participants who register for the event on or before Monday May 2 2017 will have their name entered to win various amazing prizes. There is no minimum number of laps that a participant must complete but feel free to compete against your friends and family!! Just make sure you stay safe, stay hydrated and have fun!!
To begin the walk, participant must submit all monies raised with a minimum of $30 to enter. Get all your friends involved because the participant who raises the most money in their age group will also receive a prize!
Proceeds from this event will go towards one of the following areas, to be determined by the participant. These include: Suomi Eesti Maja, Kotitalo, Mauno Kaihla Koti, Uusi Koti, OFRA Ladies Auxiliary, Foundation or Other (which can include any other projects that are going on here at OFRA).
Receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. However, donors who sign up for or are already receiving annual receipts, will be issued for all donations of $10 or more. Full address must be supplied.
Payments can be made by cash, cheque, credit card, or online. See our website for full details on our online giving option.
For more information or to pick up your registration package, please contact the Fundraising at 705-945-9987 ext. 257, email: foundation@theofra.org or visit the Fundraising Office at 721 North St. from 9 am-4 pm Monday to Friday.
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