The Canada-Finland Chamber of Commerce (CFCC) organized a fascinating event at Google headquarters in Toronto on Wednesday March 30th. The reason CFCC organizes these meet ups is that they “wish to bring people together to learn”, as president Lauri Asikainen summarized in his welcoming speech. Google Agency Lead Ari Ojansivu was the key speaker at this event. Mr. Ojansivu was there to enlighten the audience about the culture of innovation at Google by offering an insight on what all this means, and how it can be seen in the company and its products.

Google is a company whose services countless people use daily. It is known for its innovative – sometimes even utopistic – inventions, such as self-driving car, high tech eyewear and glucose measuring contact lenses. It has never intended to be a conventional company by any means. The fact that people actually pulled out Google Search on their cell phones when they wanted more information about something that was pointed out in the speech proves that Google has been very successful in its work.

Google has a reputation of hiring the smartest people, offering them the means to get creative and taking good care of their employees by offering free food, relaxing breaks, and plenty of opportunities to give and receive feedback. No wonder it is one of the most wanted work places in the world.

The evening was very neatly organized. The speech was interesting, and the guests got a chance to network while enjoying light refreshments both before and after Mr. Ojansivu´s speech. Google cardboard - one of the newer innovations in the field of 3D experiencing - was on display and people were encouraged to try these little tools. Plenty of Finns, CFCC members and new friends of CFCC had found their way to the event.

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Text: Laura Nikkinen
Photos: Ida Lohela

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