Kanadan Sanomat's Blog – August 2011 Archive (5)

Meet Vapaa Sana´s Well-Travelled New Editor

Initially, Vapaa Sana’s new editor Jonathan Riikonen studied forestry in Kotka, although his work experience includes rather wide selection of jobs. He has also worked as a reporter for some time during the last twenty years.

– I having been working with journalism actively altogether for 11 years during the last 23 years. In addition to that, I have had…


Added by Kanadan Sanomat on August 30, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Lake Worth and Lantana - two different Finnish cradles

The Floridan small towns Lake Worth and Lantana together with Astoria, Oregon are perhaps the most recognized Finnish towns in the United States.

Although they border each other in North-South direction respectively, it´d actually be unfair to call them identical twins. They are just too different. Lantana who celebrates this year its 90th anniversary has about 10,400 and Lake Worth 37,000 inhabitants.…


Added by Kanadan Sanomat on August 26, 2011 at 4:05pm — No Comments

Healing pictures became a lifelong journey for Miina Savolainen

Only searchlights on the forehead light the terrain when photographer Miina Savolainen and her squad proceed in the snowdrifts at the Laplands arctic night. The women have strolled hundreds of kilometers first with a car and then on foot to a well chosen spot. They have to rush so that the lighting and costumes can be prepared before the northern morning sun will light…


Added by Kanadan Sanomat on August 17, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

The Amazing Home of the Blue Poppy

Once upon a time there was a wealthy - unlike most of the fairytales - lady in Montreal, who inherited a fishing lodge, located deep in the wilderness, from her even-more-wealthier uncle. Except that the lodge was the size of a large mansion, but the fairytale-like aspect of the story is that the woman created the most wonderful garden there in the middle of nowhere and…


Added by Kanadan Sanomat on August 9, 2011 at 1:39pm — No Comments

A Farewell to Summer

Exhausted by the heat wave, Toronto expects the Celsius degrees to rise exceptionally high, but Kiira Korpi is wearing mittens. The temperature on the rink of Toronton Cricket Skating and Curling Club is approximately 10 Celsius degrees. A variety of European and South American skaters are skating around the track stretching their limbs. The coaches are watching over…


Added by Kanadan Sanomat on August 3, 2011 at 2:11pm — No Comments



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Occupational therapy work practise 1 Reply

Hi everyone! Is there possibly any occupational therapists here who work in Canada? Or do you know one? I'm an occupational therapy student looking for a work practise place from Canada.

Started by Eveliina in Miscellaneous. Last reply by Kanadan Sanomat Sep 13, 2023.


Genealogy going on with me. I'm looking for information about a person: Name: Jenny Ojalehto Luonua. b.10 Jun 1903. Pennsylvania. Parents: Herman Luonua and Maria Rapinoja Luonua.Continue

Started by Jouni Salminen in Miscellaneous May 29, 2021.

Tietoja enostani etsiskelen 1 Reply

Tietoja enostani Erkki Linnala etsiskelen . Thunder Bayssa ilmeisesti viimeiset päivänsä viettänyt. Riverside Cementeryyn haudattu.Yleensä kiinnostaisi missä päin asustellut? Erkki oli syntynyt…Continue

Started by Jouni Palonen in Miscellaneous. Last reply by Jouni Palonen Dec 12, 2019.

Ruisjauhoja vailla 1 Reply

Mistä oikein löydän ruisjauhoja Quebec Citystä? Olen käynyt jo ties kuinka monessa putiikissa ja marketissa enkä ole nähnyt niitä myytävän. Tietysti ruisleipäkin kelpaisi ensisijaisesti, mutta sen…Continue

Tags: rye, quebec, ruisleipä, ruis

Started by Vilukko in Food & Entertainment. Last reply by Kanadan Sanomat Jan 23, 2019.

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